Wednesday 30 October 2013

Quick Hello!


Thanks for visiting my blog! 

I fell in love with nail varnish back in April and have been polish mad ever since. My collection, although small compared to some people, has grown to over 70 bottles in a few short months and the amount of times I've spent painting my nails is countless. I tend to change them every couple of days, mostly because I get bored of the same colour too quickly but also find that day to day work chips them. I'll aim to post something new every few days but as work keeps me busy that may not be possible. In December I'm going on a nail course, 'Masters Diploma in Nail Technology', held in London and run by the Nails and Beauty Academy and am looking forward to it! 

My nails are never the same length and never perfect but I love to paint them regardless. I'll post different patterns each week, nothing too complicated or hard, just fun little patterns. 

Feel free to comment!


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